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the best coffee blends selected for you.


12 different geographical origins toasted one by one and then mixed together according to the ancient recipe of 100 years ago. In each of our blends are combined many different types of coffees to create the best possible taste experience.

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Coffees from around the world


In our blends are blended 12 types of coffee from different geographical areas:

Santos, Guatemala, Colombia, India Plantation, Etiopia, Santo Domingo, Cameroun 18/20, Perù, India.

Fare il caffè

Brewing Methods


There are many coffee brewing methods in addition to the classic espresso method, which radically change its taste and aromas. At Caffe Washington you can try coffee as you never imagined.


Cold Brew


Made by steeping more-coarsely ground coffee in cooler water for longer periods of time. Different from iced coffee based on its brewing method and overall taste. Great to drink for its refreshing qualities, convenience, forgiving brew method, and health benefits.



Macchina per espresso: quelle che troviamo dentro bar e ristoranti. Sia le macchine a leva che quelle con pompa elettrica estraggono il caffè con una pressione molto più alta rispetto agli altri metodi: nelle macchine elettriche la pressione dell’acqua viene regolata tramite elettropompa (quindi in maniera automatica), mentre nella macchina a leva deve essere azionato manualmente un pistone meccanico. Il caffè ottenuto con queste due macchine è molto forte, concentrato e corposo, dalla struttura più complessa e dotato dell’inconfondibile strato di crema color nocciola che ne ricopre il liquido.

Barista Versando il latte

Brewing Methods


There are many coffee brewing methods in addition to the classic espresso method, which radically change its taste and aromas. At Caffe Washington you can try coffee as you never imagined.

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